Let's Get the Terms Right


The biggest struggle regarding your flexibility is understanding the terms within the habit of stretching. 

Lets define the most common terms and understand the difference

Range of Motion: Is the degree of movement that occurs at a specific joint and it is important to understand a joint must go through its full range of motion on a daily basis to be healthy. 

Whether you are an active person or an athlete, you must keep an eye on your range of movement in order to perform daily activities in a healthy way. 

Remember not all joints work the same way, therefore understanding this term will help you focus on each joint of your body and help you keep them healthy.

Flexibility: We have all heard flexibility is the ability to bend without breaking, and although this is true, we must know flexibility is the measure of range of motion within the joint. It has both dynamic and static components and it involves the joint and muscles, ligaments and connective tissue surrounding it. 

Flexibility training involves exercises focused on lengthening the muscles and improving this will help you move more comfortably throughout the day. 

Stretching: Stretching properly involves more than just setting your legs over a bench and bending forward, stretching is the process of placing particular body parts into a position that will lengthen and elongate the muscles and associated connective tissue. 

Having a regular stretching program will improve your flexibility and range of motion, also the joint’s surrounding tissue like ligaments, tendons and fascia will begin to adapt and prevent pain an injuries. 

For more information, book your appointment with one of our stretchers at JO STRETCH or contact us via e-mail at: info@jostretch.com

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